RCT polypropylene pipes with glass fibre

PP-RCT pipe system reinforced with glass fibre

High temperature resistance random polypropylene (PP-RCT) multilayer piping system, light blue with co-extruded grey stripes for industrial applications and heating systems, air conditioning and district heating or green with red stripes co-extruded for hydrothermal sanitary applications, with an intermediate layer reinforced with glass fibres, in compliance with UNI EN ISO 15874 and DIN 8077 standards, with or without polyurethane foam coating and high density polyethylene sheath.

Polypropylene PP-RCT

The polypropylene RCT (RCT is the acronym of Random Cristallinity Temperature) is a particular type of copolymer that guarantees a high mechanical strength and the prolonged life of the pipes it consists of, with higher performance characteristics than standard random polypropylene.

Properties of Reno PP-Fiber + PUR pipes

The RENO PP-FIBER piping system is made with advanced multilayer technology that gives it excellent mechanical properties compared to the system of single-layer structure piping. The system consists of:

  • a random polypropylene service pipe, compliant with UNI EN ISO 15874-2, DIN 8077 and DIN 8078
  • a rigid polyurethane (PUR) insulation layer
  • an external protective sheath made of high density polyethylene

The service pipe consists of a three-layer co-extruded structure having the following characteristics:

  • PP-RCT-based inner layer (random polypropylene produced using a special ββ-nucleation process that increases its crystalline structure, making it suitable to withstand high temperatures with peaks up to 90 ºC and pressures above PP-R)
  • intermediate layer based on PP-RCT reinforced with glass fibers to significantly reduce linear thermal expansion up to about 75% compared to similar single-layer pipes
  • outer layer based on PP-RCT

The external protective sheath EUROJACKET is able to allow a strong adhesion with the insulating material (PUR), as required by the standard EN 253, thanks to wettability higher than 42 dyn/cm obtained with a specific treatment developed (Effetto Corona). The sheath is able to withstand direct radiation and environmental temperature ranges, protecting the inside of the pipes during their operating life and thus allowing the underground or above-ground installation of the RENO PP-FIBER GREEN and BLUE pipes.

Reno PP-Fiber Blue

RENO PP-FIBER BLUE pipes are particularly suitable for the construction of domestic heating networks and for refrigeration and air conditioning systems, district heating, geothermal, compressed air transport, for surface heating and cooling systems and the transport of technological fluids (the chemical resistance of which must nevertheless be verified in accordance with ISO/TR 10358 guidelines). The products comply with UNI EN ISO 15874, DIN 8077 and DIN 8078 standards, but are not suitable for transporting drinking water for human consumption.

Reno PP-Fiber Green

RENO PP-FIBER GREEN pipes are particularly suitable for the construction of sanitary water systems in the civil sector (homes, schools, public buildings, hospitals, sports facilities, shipbuilding) mechanical installations for the transport of compressed air and rainwater in networks for the transport of technological fluids (the chemical resistance of which must nevertheless be verified in accordance with ISO/TR 10358 guidelines). The products comply with UNI EN ISO 15874, DIN 8077 and DIN 8078 and D.M. n. 174 of 6/4/04 concerning the transport of drinking water for human consumption.

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